Junior Cycling Clubs

This is a list of cycling clubs for junior/cycling clubs that have a junior team. This list consist of any team that is considered a junior team, whether it is U15, U12, U18, etc. This list is slowly growing as we add more clubs. Do you race for a club with a Junior team? Leave a comment with the club name and a link to their website/facebook page or a way to contact the team organizers, and location(City, State, Country, or however your country is divided). Thank you to everyone who contributed to this page!!! For virtual teams scroll down. This list applies for both offroad and road cycling. To one near you, please click command F, then type in the name of your state/province/etc. All of these names are links, if you click it, it will take you to either their website or social media page. Once we have a solid list, disciplines will be added too.

Outdoor cycling teams
Virtual Teams


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