In one of zwifts new worlds, france, now has the hardest climb on zwift. Up until a few weeks ago, alpe du zwift was the hardest climb on zwift. But Mt.Ventoux, towering over 1,500 meters high has stolen the throne. There are a few ways to ride this massive climb, the first way is to join a discovery ride, there are discovery rides every hour for next week or two. The second way to get to the climb is by world hacking, if you search up how to world hack on zwift, there are tons of videos on how to do it. The final way is to wait and see if zwift opens the worlds to the public, based off of what I have heard, the new worlds should open and be part of the august world schedule. Paris only has one route champs elysees. The chances of Paris opening up to the public are kind of slim. Due to the large amount of riders that ride on zwift each day, if zwift were to open up to the public, the riders would all be in a huge congo line across the 4 mile route. Here are some pics of the new worlds.

This is a picture of one of the routes in france.

This is a picture of the new world, Paris.
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