A few things I really like about the Tacx Neo 2T

     I have just tested out the trainer a bit and here are some things that really stand out to me. I tried the cobblestones, and all the other road feel types. I also just tried ERG mode. This stuff is all included in my recent video that will be uploaded soon. The video is me riding and I also said some of the things I liked/disliked. Enjoy the article!

    One thing I really like the ability to rock around a bit while sprinting. I noticed early on that if you try to rock around a bit, the trainer allows you too. This is not the case for many trainer. Here is a video clip of me sprinting to show you guys how quiet it is and how you can rock back and forth a bit. Enjoy the video! 

    Another thing I like is the road feel. No other trainer has road feel like this. This road feel can simulate like 10 different terrains! Even ice! My favorite is probably the soft cobbles because its not too hard but not too faint. When I first heard about the road feel, I did not expect it to be like this, I thought it would be just a bit of vibrating and that's it. But the cobbles feel real. This feature in my opinion brings indoor cycling to a whole new level.

    The final feature that I love about the trainer is that you can use the trainer even during power outages. There are power outages pretty often now where I live due to the fires and all that stuff, but now I can pair my tacx neo 2T to my garmin even without power and I can still see how far I went, how fast and how many watts once I sync my garmin. You could also technially do zwift but that would require using data and all that stuff.

    I hope you decide to get a tacx neo 2T. It is truly one of the best trainers out there. Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my youtube channel, Zwift4kids. Also check out https://thespeedhound.com/ . They have some awesome products that are really helpful for all types of athletes. Ride On!


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