Possible features coming in September update

     Usually there is one major update every month. Each month I will write about my predictions of what I think will be coming soon. Enjoy the article!

    One feature I think has a very high chance of coming out this month is an update for Zwift Academy, I have mentioned Zwift academy in a previous article, I have heard that this year it is delayed so I think it should be coming in September. If this update comes out it will not have much related to Zwift academy, probably just adding the kit and gear that you can unlock.

    Another feature that I think Zwift will come out with the clubs feature. I think that this feature should be out this month. It has been in the works for quite a long time so I think it is about time that the feature is released. It has also been in futureworks for quite a bit. The club feature will hopefully allow you to have weekly club rides, give clubmates ride ons, the capability to organize events for the club, etc. I am not 100 percent about the clubs feature but it should be coming soon.

    The final feature that I think has a shot at making it into this update is Rowing. There have been rumors about rowing for years. In one of the Eric Min interviews he mentioned that Rowing is coming out in the next few weeks. It has been over 2 months so it's about time they release it. I am not sure that it will be out to the public but hopefully it will at least be in futureworks. (my dad is on the waiting list for a concept 2 :). 

    Overall those are the things that I think have a chance at making it into the update. There could also be other small features, like a new mission, or the racing features to stop cheating. I think out of the features that I listed, Zwift academy features it like 99 percent gonna make it. Thanks for reading! Please remember to vote if you are a KBC member! Also please spread the word about the blog! Thanks!

FAQ: What is Zwift Clubs? Here's our simple explainer


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