Looking for a trainer?

     Many people look to the big retailers like Clever training, Performance bikes, and others when they are looking to get trainers. We recently got a tacx neo 2T and a wahoo kickr bike from sportsbasement. They have normal prices and if you sign up for their program you get 10 percent off all items. You also do not need to worry about having the trainer damaged during shipping. Check out their website! I highly recommend getting a trainer from them. They are only available for pick up in store and curbside pick-up though. Most stores have the Kickr bike, Kickr snap, Kickr core, Kickr V5, tacx neo 2T, Saris trainer, and more! Here is a link to their website! https://shop.sportsbasement.com/


  1. nice! I have started my own blog lol... here is the link https://puremtbofficial.blogspot.com/


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