Tackling quatch quest

     Recently my sister and I decided to do quatch quest after dreading it for months, we have been saying that we would do it forever but today we finally tackled the route. The route was pretty hard, you go through titans groves, then you go through the epic kom, thankfully we didn't have to go on the bonus climb too, after that you go through the jungle and up the alpe, my sister and I were not worried about the epic KOM and titans grove, but the final climb ADZ, all that elevation adds up to around 5,600 ft! 
We got a pretty solid time up the epic KOM and took it easy through the jungle because it was mainly downhill, the one thing I think we could have done better was switch to a mountain bike before getting to the jungle, we didn't think it would really help but halfway through the jungle I realized how slow we were going downhill, once we hit the alpe we decided we would keep the pace at around 3-3.5. We did pretty well pacing wise but we got pretty tired by the end of ADZ. We finished at around 70 minutes, not bad given that we had just climbed the epic KOM and titans grove. I got to the top and got the awesome route achievment! 950xp I think and a lvl up. I was hoping for the meilstein wheels but ended up getting the helmet again, 250xp, not bad. Overall that was probably one of my hardest zwift rides, definetly the most I have climbed. I highly recommend doing the route and checking the route badge off. Ride On!


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