My favorite routes on Zwift

     There are currently hundreds of routes on Zwift. Of the hundreds, here are my three favorite routes on zwift.

    Coming in first is probably titans grove. The route is called Sand and Sequoias. This is my favorite route because it combines Tempus Fugit with Titans Grove. Titans grove is basically a forest with a bunch of rollers and a KOM in the middle. This route is 12 miles long and typically takes around 36 minutes depending on how hard you push.

    Second is likely Richmonds UCI course. This route has a sprint and a bunch of short KOMs that are around a minute long. I like this route because of the short KOM's because they are quick and easy to pace. The route also finishes on a climb which is much better for a light rider like me so if I am racing I can have a better chance at a good result.

    Third is crit city. I love racing this route because they are short 1.2 mile laps and it helps the race go by faster for me. I like the rolling hills and how fast the route goes by. Even though it is event only it is very fun to race on and set new fastest times, ftp's, and best results.

    Let me know in the comments below what your favorite routes are! Thanks for reading!


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