Team CLS weekly kids rides

     Recently Team CLS has been hosting weekly kids rides for kids that ride on zwift. These rides are paced at 1.3-1.5. In the final few kilometers there is a mini race where the riders who are with the leader can go all out and race. These rides are great for kids looking to ride with other kids, unfortunately adults still join the ride so it is not kids only. These rides are sundays at 9:00 am PST. To join the rides just open the companion app and find Sunday and you should see the event. The events are slowly going to get longer and get hillier all preparing for a challenge that they are going to hold. This challenge will be for kids and adults (like any zwift event) and it will either be a long ride or a hilly ride depending on what they feel like choosing. Even though these rides are not kids only they are still pretty fun. I do hope that Zwift starts creating events that are limited to kids only to make the experience more fun for kids.


  1. Well, if kids will actually join its a start...But when will ZWIFT do a kids only filter, or just let someone like you or paul lead a race!

  2. Yeah, kids only races would be very enjoyable.


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