Tons of Kids accounts deleted

     In the past week zwift has deleted a ton of free kids accounts. Zwift released a post on the forums telling parents to fill out a new consent form. However not all parents got the emails. Kids are now angry at how zwift has done this. Zwift has said that the accounts can be restored but they will not have any drops, bikes, or anything. They will only have their level. This has made kids very angry at Zwift and many are even leaving zwift and going to other platforms such as, Rouvy, Fullgaz, and more. If your account has been deleted contact zwift. Please note that they likely will not respond for awhile due to how many accounts have been deleted and I can not guarantee that you will get your level back. Unfortunately zwift wont be giving back the bikes or drops.


  1. Yeah, proves that Zwift Doesn't really care about kids having fun, I'm sure theyd do it if it was Chris Froome or some other pro cyclist


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