Tour4kids stages 5 and 6 recap

     This week we had one mountain stage and one flat crit race. The crit race was an epic battle to the finish with a huge sprint off at the end. The start was a blistering pace! So fast that I even couldn't keep up. The standings once again shifted a lot during the Alpe stage and results on that are coming out today. This coming week will be the final two stages although we may do a few bonus stages that won't affect the results, but just to give you more racing! The Alpe du zwift stages we had some pro level climbing happening from Louis, Bertie, and Shaun, two I think came in with an Alpe time of under 40 minutes and one with a time barely over 40 minutes! I can't wait to see what these riders will be able to achieve in the next few years! Looking ahead to next week the stages are both flat with the final stage on the legendary Champs-Eylesess. I hope to see you all there in the next few stages and look for an invite in the coming days.

An image from runner-up Bertie Widdowson's perspective


  1. Replies
    1. Tour4kids just ended today. There will be another edition in 6 months and if Zwift will allow us to get the clubs feature we might try and do weekly races to keep kids racing going because there currently are not any kids races.


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