The importance of staying hydrated

     It is now officially summer for most parts of the world. Those of you who are in Australia are enjoying the cold winter weather, and we all know what that means! Zwift season! Many of you are still Zwifting even though it is summer, which is what I am actually most of the summer because of all the traffic outside and my dad is constantly working.

    Staying hydrated is important no matter what. But with the warm weather right now, it is especially important(97 degrees farrenheit right now as I am writing this). If you don't hydrate well enough, after rides you may find that you are dizzy, if you don't hydrate at all, there is a very high chance that you will faint while riding. None of those two things are good things. If you stay hydrated you likely will not have to deal with any of these issues and it is healthier for the body especially when you are sweating a lot. Having a fan on while you are riding is also important to get some air circulation and so that it is not as hot.

    Next time you go on a long ride, make sure you have multiple bottles of cold water, and even on short rides, be sure to at least have a bottle handy. Thanks for reading and ride on!


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