All About Zwift's WTRL TTT's

    WTRL is very well known for its race series and TTT series. WTRL was the manager of the Zwift Racing League, Zwift Nations challenge, Zwift classics series, and the WTRL TTT series. The WTRL TTT series is a weekly team time trial that takes place every Thursday. Riders can be in teams of up to 8 riders. The minimum to race is 3 riders. There is also a premier league where the pros/elite riders battle it out TTT style.
    A team time trial is pretty simple. Each rider takes a pull for a certain amount of time, usually around 30 seconds or less, the rider who was on the front drops back to the back of the group while the second rider ramps up their power and takes a pull. Riders usually ride single file for the maximum draft benefit. Most teams use discord to communicate with their team. Communication is very import for these types of race. TTT's can be seen in real life at the tour de France and in Zwift during the Zwift Racing League series.
    Signing up for the WTRL TTT's is not very hard. All it requires is a team, a Zwift account, a Zwift Power account, and a WTRL account. All of them are free except the Zwift account(unless you are a kid). Once you have both accounts, all you have to do is register your team and then follow the instructions that it will give you. It will tell you what your delay is and which pen to join. Make sure to also read all of the TTT rules here:
    Thanks for reading and I hope you found this article interesting and helpful. Please spread the news about my blog! Ride on!


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