How it was done, OLH 3x

    Just this past weekend, I planned a ride for my dads birthday, we ended up deciding on doing Old La Honda road. The climb is 1,255 ft of elevation gain across 2.93 miles, average gradient of 8%. We initially planned on doing the climb 4 times but because of the amount of time we had we had to cut it short. My sister also joined for all 3 times up, my little brother joined for the last one. We estimated that it would take us around 3 hours, the final time was 3 hr 19 min. Our mom dropped my little brother off at the start of the climb and we met him at the bottom at the start of the 3rd time up. 

Elevation graph for the route

    We held a steady pace up the climb, 30 minutes for both times, the 2nd time up was a few seconds faster than the first, then the final climb we just stayed with my little brother. We brought some candy, gummies, and a moon pie for fuel, which was ate at the top of each of the climbs. On the final descent we were going very slow and a car coming up was passing another rider and came super close to us, luckily it did not hit us. Overall it was a fun and hard ride, with all that elevation, it was the most I had ever climbed in one ride outdoors. The total elevation gain was about 4,700 ft, the total distance was about 30 miles.

    Thanks for reading! If you are interested in trying this, here is a link to the strava segment:, and a link to my activity on strava:


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