How to join Zwift's Auto-Categorization test races

     Zwift just posted on the Forums that they are allowing the public to test the new Auto-Categorization feature. To join these events there are a few rules that you have to follow. These rules and stuff are better explained in this forums post: Basically the main rule is that you cannot copy and paste the private event links and send them to friends. Instead, give them this link: This is the link that all riders should use to join the event. There is something involving the link that makes the Auto-Categorization work. The events have not been created yet, which is why the Auto-Cat me button is not working, I will update the article when the links are ready. Be sure to be quick to sign up because there might be a limit to how many riders can join. There are 6 categories for men, and 5 for women. 

My thoughts

    The one thing I am slightly concerned about is that if there are 6 categories and not many riders signed up, then each category will not have many riders. Overall it is great to see that there is movement and action being taken on one of the biggest issues in Zwift racing. I tested the feature out last week and it placed me in Cat 2, which I am not sure is equivalent, higher, or lower than my existing category(B). The time that I did test it my legs were tired and I had just come off of 11 days of not much riding.


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