Lasko High Velocity Fan Vs Vornado 630

Background information/details

     Recently we got two new fans to keep us cool over the summer when we ride indoors. One of the fans, the Vornado 630, was on sale for $39,99 at Costco, the Lasko High Velocity Fan was $49,99. The Lasko fan is very similar to the Wahoo Kickr Headwind. The main difference is that the Wahoo Kickr Headwind uses your heart rate data to determine how hard the fan should blow. Both of these fans are super easy to use, all you need is to turn on the fan and tap whichever setting you want, on the Vornado fan. The Lasko you just need to turn the knob to whatever setting you wish. For both of these fans all you have to do is plug it in to get it set up. Both are adjustable, I would say that the Lasko fan is slightly more adjustable than the Vornado, the Vornado can just be tilted a little bit. The Lasko has a tilting click system.

Side by side image of the two fans, Vornado is on the left, Lasko on the right.
Fan Speeds
    Now for the important part, how hard do the fans blow? Both have three settings, they each control how hard you want it to blow. 1, 2, and 3 on the Lasko, 1 bar, 2 bars, and 3 bars on the Vornado. The Vornado covers a broader area, while the Lasko is more targeted and also has a stronger blow. I would say the Lasko is definitely the stronger fan. If you want the fan to cover more of your body while you are riding, I would go with the Vornado or another fan that is still strong and wide.

Better than a trusty old tower fan?
    The previous fan, which we considered our stronger fan(and yes I hogged it 😉). I think that the Vornado is actually slightly more powerful than our old fan, and definitely more portable than the old tower fan. Here is an image of the old fan, and a close up of each of the two fans.
Our old fan that we used previously(it used to be the most powerful).

Close up of the Vornado 630 fan.

    Overall I think that these are two great fans. They get the job done and are priced reasonably. I think that if you are in the market for a new fan, the Vornado is good for a broader area that it covers, if you only need the fan blowing on your face(or wherever you want to blow on). Thanks for reading! Any questions or comments, leave a comment down below 👇.


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